PHoto Revised Art
I create abstract artwork through an intellectual process that reaches into my imagination to express ideas and emotion about things and occurrences gathered from my day-to-day life. Occasionally I also revisit memories or express subjects alluded to in pop culture. The technical process of digital art that I personally conceived is based on using imagination as a tool.
The physical tools have been used for over a decade or more.
I have named my Digital art
Photo Revised Art or Digital PHra
defined: This style always started with the jpeg of a photograph that I have taken. Then it is skillfully made into a completely new dynamic image of art by using a computer program that enables the movement of the pixels around like paint on a canvas. Sometimes changing all or some of the pixels that make up the photograph. It may or may not have some of the original photograph visible at the end of making the art.
For me this process lets me use my imagination and creativity to tap into my subconscious to create
surreal and impressionistic pieces that draw people in or move the away, nevertheless I feel I have succeeded if the image causes a viewer to engage and think about possibilities and
connections that evoke special memories or feelings.
My place in the art community of central Florida is strengthened because I am a practitionrer of a unique style of digital art which is new to the discipline and adds to its interest.
My goal is to help people use their imagination and create conversation.
The physical tools have been used for over a decade or more.
I have named my Digital art
Photo Revised Art or Digital PHra
defined: This style always started with the jpeg of a photograph that I have taken. Then it is skillfully made into a completely new dynamic image of art by using a computer program that enables the movement of the pixels around like paint on a canvas. Sometimes changing all or some of the pixels that make up the photograph. It may or may not have some of the original photograph visible at the end of making the art.
For me this process lets me use my imagination and creativity to tap into my subconscious to create
surreal and impressionistic pieces that draw people in or move the away, nevertheless I feel I have succeeded if the image causes a viewer to engage and think about possibilities and
connections that evoke special memories or feelings.
My place in the art community of central Florida is strengthened because I am a practitionrer of a unique style of digital art which is new to the discipline and adds to its interest.
My goal is to help people use their imagination and create conversation.